

For Designated Cities and Zip Codes

We are in the toughest insurance market place for apartment buildings in over 40 years. It is extremely difficult to find quality coverage at an affordable price for buildings in major cities across the country.

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Property Owners: Apartment Buildings, Condominiums, And Landlord Properties

The City Insurance Program addresses the needs of property owners with pride of ownership buildings from 2 to 100 units, including mixed-use, in designated cities. This program is built to address the specific needs of city housing needs of property owners.

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Program Highlights

Program Features

  • A+ paper for insured and lender satisfaction
  • Terrorism (TRIA) coverage included automatically

Liability Insurance Highlights

  • Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 Occurrence/$2,000,000 Aggregate
  • $100,000 Damage to Premises rented to you
  • $5,000 Medical Payments
  • $100,000 products & Completed Operations
  • Personal Lines coverage for owner-occupied properties available
  • $1 million per occurrence; personal inland marine; and additional living expenses

Property Insurance Highlights

  • Ordinance or law:
    • A - Full limit
    • B-25% of building limit or min of $400K
    • C-25% of building limit or min of 400K
  • Underground Water / Back Up Sewer and Drain: Full limit
  • Foundations and Underground Pipes: 100K per occurrence
  • Valuation: Replacement cost with agreed amount
  • Crime endorsement available for condos
  • Water Damage included in building limit
  • Mechanical Breakdown included in building limit
  • Minimum AOP deductible $1,000 with $2,500 water damaged; AOP options up to $25,000


  • Classes: Apartment Buildings, Condos, Co-ops, Brownstones, Mixed use
  • Apartment Units: 2-100 units, Buildings can include ground floor mercantile (mixed use), Not garden style complexes
  • Sweet spot: 2-15 units , 1 Million to 5,000,000 insurance coverage on building
  • Construction:
    • Joined masonry or better
      • Frame available in California
  • No age Limit on building, subject to system upgrades
  • TIV: Total Insurance Value up to $25 million

Does Your Zip Code Qualify?

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We offer A unique Program within Various Cities Tailored to Designated Zip Codes



  • Pennsylvania
    • Philadelphia
    • Pittsburgh


  • Illinois
    • Chicago
  • Ohio
    • Cleveland
    • Cincinnati
  • Tennessee
    • Nashville


  • Colorado
    • Colorado Springs
    • Denver
    • Fort Collins
  • California
    • Bakersfield
    • Fresno
    • Los Angeles/ Orange County
    • Sacramento
    • San Diego
    • San Francisco
  • Oregon
    • Portland
  • Washington State
    • Seattle

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