
Why You Should Get Joint Auto Insurance with Your Partner

Jan 07, 2020


Why You Should Get Joint Auto Insurance with Your Partner
The benefits of joint auto insurance. If you are in a long-term, committed relationship, then you should seriously consider getting a joint car insurance policy with your significant other.  While this may seem like a strange relationship step, there are reasons why this is such a great idea.  Here's what joint auto insurance in Los Angeles, California can do for you and your partner.
  • The Benefits of Joint Auto Insurance
When a couple gets joint auto insurance, they are getting a single policy to insure themselves and their vehicles.  This is a great coverage option because having a single auto insurance policy for both partners makes car coverage much easier to manage.  Additionally, securing a joint policy also unlocks significant insurance discounts.  For instance, if you and your partner each have your own car, then you can unlock multi-car discounts on your joint auto policy.  If you are married to your partner, then you can secure even more savings on your policy with marriage discounts.  On average, switching from two separate auto policies to a single joint policy can help you save up to 25% on your car insurance.
  • Are Joint Auto Insurance Policies Right for Every Couple?
There are some situations in which couples should not get a joint auto policy together.  For instance, if one partner has tickets, citations, DUI/DWI charges, or at-fault accidents on their driving record, then this can cause a premium hike for the more responsible driver.  In this case, it may be cheaper for the couple to maintain their separate auto policies, so the low premiums of one partner can offset the higher cost of the other's premiums.  You should also think twice about getting a joint auto policy if you or your partner has poor credit.  Because bad credit can drive up the cost of auto insurance, it may be more cost-effective to keep separate policies until the person with bad credit is able to improve their score. This is why you should consider getting a joint car insurance policy with your partner.  Do you have more questions about this type of auto insurance in Los Angeles, California?  If so, then contact the experts at Fuller Insurance Agency in Southern California.  We are ready to assist you with all your auto insurance needs today.
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