
When It’s Time to Secure a Personal Umbrella Policy

Dec 27, 2018


When It’s Time to Secure a Personal Umbrella Policy

If you have these items in your backyard, then umbrella insurance in a must.

As a responsible homeowner, you probably already have the right homeowners insurance in Los Angeles, California to protect your home, your property, and your personal liability.  However, if your home has certain features, then you might actually have some very serious gaps in your coverage, specifically your liability coverage. Luckily, you can secure the additional liability insurance that you need with the right umbrella policy.  If your home has these features, then address dangerous coverage gaps in your homeowners insurance with the right umbrella policy.
  • Swimming Pool
While you might assume that your swimming pool is included in your homeowners insurance policy, this isn't always the case.  Sometimes policies will specifically exclude coverage for swimming pools.  Even if your pool is covered under your policy, your coverage limits probably aren't high enough to cover the cost of a serious injury or accidental drowning.  The best way to secure the coverage you need for your pool is by securing an umbrella policy.
  • Trampoline
Most homeowners policies specifically exclude coverage for trampolines, so review your policy or speak to your agent to find out where you stand.  Keep in mind that trampolines pose a serious risk for the homeowner because they can result in third-party injuries.  To ensure that the cost of a trampoline-related claim does not affect your family's financial stability, make sure you secure an excess liability policy today.
  • Dog
Dog-owners assume that their furry friends are covered under their homeowners insurance.  Unfortunately, this isn't always the case as many dog breeds are considered too high-risk to insure.  Even if your pet is covered, your policy's coverage limits may not be enough to address the cost of a major pet-related liability issue, such as a dog bite.  Fortunately, you can secure the comprehensive coverage that you need with a personal umbrella policy. If you have these three features at your home, then securing excess liability coverage is absolutely essential.  Curious to learn more about your personal liability or homeowners insurance in Los Angeles, California?  Then contact the experts at Fuller Insurance Agency in Southern California.  We are ready to assist you with all your personal insurance needs today.
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