
What Should I Know When Buying Car Insurance?

Jan 08, 2019


What Should I Know When Buying Car Insurance?

Here are some of the things that you need to understand about securing auto coverage.

If you are looking for new auto insurance in Los Angeles, California, then this can be a daunting experience.  However, the insurance market doesn't need to be such a scary place.  Understanding certain things about your car insurance will make the process of choosing the right coverage a little bit easier.  Here's what you need to know when buying auto insurance. Your State's Minimums Almost every state in the U.S. requires their drivers to carry certain amounts of auto coverage.  Before you decide on which coverage option you want, it's important to know these mandatory minimums.  This way you can verify that your policies are offering the legal amount of coverage.  To learn what California's auto insurance minimums are, please click HERE. The Basic Recommended Coverages While state insurance minimums provide a good place to start, relying on insurance minimums will not offer you the comprehensive auto coverage that you actually need.  Drivers all over the country are encouraged to carry several basic coverage types that extend past the limits of state minimums.  For instance, drivers are highly advised to carry the following basic policies:
  • Bodily injury liability
  • Property damage liability
  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist
  • Personal injury protection
The Role of Your Deductibles Finally, when you choose the right auto insurance, you will have the ability to set your own deductible.  A deductible is the amount that you agree to pay towards a claim before your auto insurance kicks in.  Your deductible and premiums have an inverse relationship meaning that the higher your deductible, the lower your premiums will be.  When setting your deductible, it's important that you don't go too high.  While this will save you money on your premiums, you risk not being able to access your coverage if you cannot pay this deductible amount.  Drivers are recommended to set their deductibles as high as they can comfortably afford so they can save while still being able to use their coverage when they need it the most. These are some of the things you should be aware of as you secure the right auto insurance in Los Angeles, California.  Do you have additional questions regarding your car coverage?  If so, then contact the experts at Fuller Insurance Agency in Southern California.  Our dedicated team is eager to assist you with all your insurance needs today.
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