
How Renters Insurance Protects More than Just Your Belongings

May 29, 2018


How Renters Insurance Protects More than Just Your Belongings

Renters insurance offers more protection than you might think.

When people decide to forgo getting renters insurance in Los Angeles, California, it’s usually because they feel that they have nothing valuable to protect.  However, it’s important to understand that renters insurance actually includes coverages that protect more than just a policyholder’s personal possessions.  Here are some of the additional protections included in a renters insurance policy. Loss of Use Coverage What happens when damages make your current rental unliveable?  Well, if you have renters insurance, then loss of use coverage will help you address the costs of finding a temporary place to stay while your rental is getting the necessary repairs.  Without this coverage, you would be financially responsible for finding a temporary place to live while your apartment building or rental home was getting repairs for fire, storm, or other extensive damages. Personal Liability Coverage Imagine what would happen if someone injured themselves while in your rental or what would happen if your pet bit someone.  Chances are, this would result in a serious personal liability issue for you.  Luckily, if you have a renters insurance policy, then it includes personal liability coverage to address issues such as these.  While you might believe that you have little chance of being sued, keep in mind that lawsuits, even among the best of friends, are something that occur regularly in today’s society.  If you ever find yourself on the receiving end of a liability suit, then personal liability insurance would help you cover your legal fees and, if necessary, the cost of your settlement. These are some of the additional coverages offered by renters insurance.  Interested in learning more about this type of policy or simply looking to get the renters coverage that you need?  Then don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Fuller Insurance Agency in Southern California.  We are ready to help you find the right renters insurance in Los Angeles, California today.
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