
Keeping Customers Safe in Your Place of Business

Sep 10, 2019


Keeping Customers Safe in Your Place of Business

How companies can safeguard their customers.

If you run a business, then you are responsible for the safety of every customer that walks through your doors. Unfortunately, your workplace is full of dangers that can put your customers at risk for injury and property damage. While having the right commercial insurance in Los Angeles, California, is one way to protect your customers, there are other precautions that you can take as well. Here's what you should do to make your place of business safer for customers.
  • Inspect Your Workplace
One of the best ways to prevent injuries and property damages from happening in your workplace is by regularly inspecting it for potential dangers. In addition to conducting scheduled inspections on a weekly or monthly basis, you should also drop in for unexpected inspections from time to time. This way, you can see what the workplace typically looks like when your employees do not have time to prepare for an inspection.
  • Document Inspections and Repairs
While conducting inspections or undertraining maintenance tasks, you should carefully document the steps that you are taking. This way, if an injured party accuses you of negligence, you have proof of your thorough risk management steps. You should also be sure to document incident investigations and look over this information after every quarter or so. This will allow you to track recurring incidents and identify the areas with the highest potential for risk.
  • Clearly Mark Potential Hazards
While you and your employees know what workplace dangers look like, a customer may not. To ensure that your unwitting customers do not accidentally come into contact with unsafe conditions, you should post large, attention-grabbing warning signs. This way, your customers will be more careful, which will help them avoid accidentally getting injured. Take these steps to make your business safer for your customers. Remember, having the right commercial insurance in Los Angeles, California, is another important part of safeguarding your clients. For assistance with all your business insurance needs, contact the experts at Fuller Insurance Agency in Southern California today.
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